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Whitney Morrison
My dad and Kayla's dad worked together for CORT. I met Kayla in July when she was diagnosed with AML Leukemia. My dad told me I should go meet her and visit with her because she was going to get her port put in the next day. I have a desmoid tumor growing on my stomach and I'm going through chemotherapy right now. I already had a port when I went to meet Kayla and my dad thought it would be a good idea to meet Kayla so she could ask me questions about my port and previous chemo that I have already gone through. When I when to the hospital for the first time, she was scared and nervous about everything she was going to have to go through. But each time I came to visit after that, she was so strong. You would never tell that she was scared or nervous at all. I have the most respect for Kayla. I was really scared about the possibility of loosing my hair. When I saw Kayla go from that beautiful red hair to nothing..she was incredibly strong. You would never have known that it bothered her not having it. She held her head up high and had a great attitude about it. Knowing her for the 3 months that I knew her was an absolute joy. I could really see how much her family adored her. I go to Emory for treatment, in the building right across from where she was staying in the hospital..I always think of her when I see that building. You will be missed Kayla!
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